Thursday, September 11, 2008

Poet, G.Tod Slone editor/publisher: THE AMERICAN DISSIDENT, "Overdawg Slayer"

Caustic critic (aka P. Maudit) of the academic/literary established-order milieu et al and founding editor of The American Dissident
. “Let your life be a counterfriction to stop the machine” (Thoreau).

All pictures, poems and cartoon panels are by Mr. Slone, GeorgeTodSlone @ 2008

link to read Mr.Slone's Monday Report for the Alliance!
Published February 11 of this year ....

Testing the Waters of Democracy Today in Concord… and at Walden Pond

Preservation—Free Speech in Peril

Andrei Codrescu and Lawrence Ferlinghetti
January 2007—All Things Not Considered:

The Glossy Vacuity of Art & Poesy*

Is it not interesting to wade through

a silky, colorful artsy magazine and

end up with nothingness?

How much does nothingness cost?

you may wonder.

Well, it surely must be expensive!

The names grab your attention,

of course, Mailer and Tennessee,
but what they say does not.
Through the interviews with the artistes,
you hunt for a bite of wisdom, but find
only anodyne questions and responses.

"Why do you paint on panels instead

of canvas?"

"What role does having exhibitions play
in your work process?"

And of course there’s the poetry editor,

boasting how great the poets

she’s selected

and how one of them could have kept

her poem in the present tense, but

the decision to shift it in the last line

complicated it, making it oh, so

"charged, immediate, and layered."

There’s the essay on the state governor,

deeming politics a fine art,

or so says the smitten writer.

And there’s the essay on the millionaire

public intellectual with photos of him

playing tennis and walking his white poodle,

so proud of his corporate executive son.

The poets, writers, and artistes, so

successfully bourgeois are they,

yet such sterile failures!


*Poem written round Provincetown Arts, 2007

A Poem for the Edification of Lit Cogs

Intellectually I sharpen from constant collision

with the established-order—its myriad components

and ubiquitous legions of abnegating proponents.

"I agree with much of what you're saying," wrote

one such editor,* who then proceeded to argue

that what I was saying was actually

"rant" and "sour grapes."

But how could an intelligent person agree with that,

I wondered, bringing it to his attention, though in vain;

besides, why should the literary agora be open only

to sweet grapes?

"But if your tone is anything like your tone here, I

wouldn't be interested in it," he stated with regards

another critical proposal of mine.

Thus, my approach was off, my tone wrong, and

of course my taste not in good taste at all.

But was Villon’s verse written in the right tone or

Solzhenitsyn’s prose or Bukowski’s or how about

Thomas Paine’s? Was his written in good taste?

But to that, the constituent simply closed the debate

with a curt "good luck with the browbeating."

Sadly, the logic tends to die, inevitably,

with diehards of the established-order


*C.L. Bledsoe, editor of Ghoti Magazine

Poem #2 for the Edification of Lit Cogs

An editor wrote that my "general frustration with

some of the ‘norms’ and ‘protocols’ of the literary

world were well-founded and needed

to be expressed"* and

that he was "really drawn" to my writing.

"I must say. I actually agree with a lot

of what

you say."

Three months later I wrote him a reminder, asking

if he were still drawn to what I had to say and would

consider publishing something of what I had to say.

But in an unsurprising about face, he responded

"I'm not wanting to out and out burn bridges because,

well we’re a writer-friendly publication."

Yet how, I wondered, had the prime concern of

literary publishers, apart from excellence—

oh, but of course!—

become apprehension of burning bridges, while

"writer friendly" equated with truth avoidance?

Had the Janus-faced politician turned role model?

"But I do want to take on (more) controversial issues,

and I do want to give voice to ‘unpopular’ views,"

he proudly declared, as if fence straddling had been

elevated to one of the fine arts.

"Some degree of prudence is needed, but not to the

point of sacrificing authenticity and fairness."

Would he, I wondered, be presenting himself one day

as candidate for the Congress or Senate?


*John Amen, Chief Editor of Pedestal Magazine

G. Tod Slone

( Main St. August 2007
Concord, MA 01742